Student must wear their uniforms with pride and ensure that they look neat and
presentable at all times. I-cards are an integral part of school uniforms.

A student must always come to school in uniform, also during the practical and
special classes.

No student is allowed to attend any Open House, school function in our outside
the school in any dress other than school uniform.

It is mandatory for girls to wear Black Short Slacks under their skirt.

Student not in complete/neat uniform can be debarred from entering the school.

Girls are required to wear hair bands, both inside the campus as well as when
they go out to represent the school.

It is mandatory for girls to wear stockings with their winter uniform.

The length of skirts has to be 2" below the knee.

The length of shorts has to be 1" above the knee.

Boys are required to wear shirts and pants as per the design specification of the
prescribed uniform.

Non-Compliance of rules gives above will result in assurance of black marks and
repeated offece will result in suspension for a weak.
KG Section
For Boys : Bibbed half pants, White sleeve
Shirt, Dark Grey Socks, Black Shoes
For Girls : Grey Tunic, White half sleeve shirt
Dark Grey Stocks, Black Shoes
Class 1 To 12
For Boys : Vested Dark Grey Trousers, White half Sleeve shirt, Belt, Dark Grey
Socks, Black Shoes, Tie.
For Girls : Dark Grey (Black), Knee Length Skirt, White half sleeve Shirt, Black
Shorts, (Knee Length) Compulsory, Belt, Dark Grey Socks, Black Shoes, White
Nylon Ribbons. Two Pleats Compulsory (I-X) Single Pleat Compulsory (XI-XII)
KG Section
For Boys : Bibbed trousers, Full sleeve Shirt, Dark Grey Socks, Black Shoes,
Dark Grey V-Neck Half sleeve Pullover
For Girls : Grey Tunic, White Full sleeve shirt
Dark Grey Stocking (Leggings)
Black Shoes, Dark Grey V-Neck
Half Sleeved Pullover
Class 1 To 12
For Boys : Vested Dark Grey Trousers, White full Sleeve shirt, Belt, Tie, Dark
Grey Socks, Dark Grey V-Neck half sleeve pullover, Navy Blue Blazer, Black
For Girls : Vested Dark Grey, Knee Length Skirt, White full sleeve Shirt, Belt,
School Tie, Dark Grey Stocking, Dark Grey V-Neck, half sleeved pullover, Navy
Blue Blazer, Black Shoes