Every student must carry this Almanac to school every day and use it productively.

Non-bus commuters must arrive 10 minutes before the school starts.

Uniform is compulsory during school hours and for all school functions including
as such instances where students are representing the school outside.

Uniform must always be neat and clean. I-Card is a part of the uniform and must
be worn at all times.

Non-Sikh boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals and ensure that it
remains combed and tidy.

Bullying and the use of foul language are punishable offences, whether in or
out of school. Students found using the same will be expelled.

Students are not allowed to bring any weapons or sharp instruments, such as
blades, knives, paper scalpels, scissors etc. to school.

Damaging or disfiguring any school property may result in expulsion from school.

Students are prohibited from bringing any publication, reference books. CD or
other storage devices life floppies, pen drives or I-pods, not relevant to academic

Bringing money to school is not allowed.

Bringing money phones, cameras, expensive pens, pencils, pencil box, etc. to
school is strictly forbidden.

In the interest of their own security, students are advised not to buy or receive
any articles, gifts or foodstuffs from anyone at all enroute.

Celebrating festivals with crackers and colours in school or in school bus is

It is mandatory for all students, unless instructed otherwise to be present for
festivals and functions celebrated in and outside the school.

The school is committed to protect the environment and expects its students to be
environment friendly in all their actions. The use of polybags (Plastic bags) is
therefore, strictly prohibited in the school and students sould consciously avoid
their use for any purpose.

Students are not allowed to celebrate their birthday or any other occasion in
school with cake, snacks and cold drinks.

Girls are not allowed to apply henna on their hands. They are not allowed to
wear fashionable earrings or any rings. However, one pair of small ear studs is

Students are not allowed to report to school with religious threads had on their
wrists. They shall not wear any bracelet.

Girls with long hair must plait their hair. Hair-band is a part of uniform and must
be worn by all girl students in school campus, inside bus and outside school
campus while representing school.

Colouring or bleaching of hair is not permitted.

Students from class IV onwards are permitted to wear watches.

No student has the permission to commute to school on self-driven two or four

The school reserves the right to terminate the continuance of students with
unsatisfactory progress in studies or whose conduct is a bad example for

90% Attendance is compulsory for all assessments held during the year
failing which the student will be given a zero. Consideration what so ever
will be only on genuine medical grounds that too at the sole discretion of
the principal. There is no provision of appearing in FA and then leave the
school for home on medical/personal grounds. Taking the Child back home
after assessments will result in a zero for that subject.

There is no proision for reassessing students, who remain absent on the day
of the assessment, or those who have failed in one or more subjects, Request
for change in assessment dates or timings will not be entertained.

Students reporting late for assessment will not be given any extra time for
answering the question papers.

Unfair Means : Students found using any unfair means during any of
the assessment will be given a zero in that subject. Parents and the concerned
student will be summoned and asked to provide an explanation. A repeat
of such an action in future will result in the prompt issue of a Transfer
Certificate, without notice.

The answer scripts will be shown to students after evaluation.
Requests for the issue of Progress Report before the declaration of results will
not be entertained.

A duplicate of Report Card (if lost/damaged) shall be issued on a payment of

Promotion Criteria (Classes I-Xl).

Attendance less than 90% and not able to cope up with the syllabus resulting
in low grades in assessments of a particular class in a session may result in
detention in the same class, after mutual consent of parents ande school