Album Name : A workshop on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
Description : A workshop on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) was organized by CBSE at KanyaKubja Public School, aimed at enhancing foundational skills among students. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from various grade levels, each engaging in a variety of enriching activities. Students across different grades participated in storytelling sessions and math clubs, designed to cultivate a love for reading and numbers respectively. A highlight of the workshop was the "Jadui Pitara."Puppet show, captivated students with interactive storytelling techniques. Additionally, art and craft activities and toy-based learning exercises were conducted to stimulate creativity and hands-on learning experiences. The FLN Mela provided a platform for students to showcase their learning outcomes, reinforcing their foundational skills in a festive atmosphere. Furthermore, a panel discussion among teachers concluded the event, sharing insights and strategies for effective FLN integration in classroom practices. Overall, the workshop successfully promoted foundational literacy and numeracy through engaging activities, fostering a conducive learning environment at KanyaKubja Public School.